Montessori Toys for Early Learning & Education

Montessori education, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is a child-centered approach to learning that emphasizes hands-on learning, self-direction, and fostering independence. It encourages children to explore the world at their own pace while gaining key...

Sono spesso insofferente nei confronti di mio figlio

Mi rendo conto di essere sempre più spesso insofferente nei confronti di mio figlio. Non ne vado fiera, non ne sono felice, semplicemente prendo atto di qualcosa che esiste. Non mi sono mai sentita pronta per diventare madre, mai nemmeno per un attimo ho pensato di...

Is it still safe to swaddle your baby?

Many parents and paediatricians swear by it, yet some maternity-ward nurses tell new moms and dads that it’s too dangerous to try at home. What gives? When Melissa Romain had her first baby at a Toronto hospital in 2016, the nurses demonstrated how to swaddle him and...
Helicopter Parenting Takes a Backseat to Jiwa Parenting

Helicopter Parenting Takes a Backseat to Jiwa Parenting

Source: Jerry Wang/Unsplash Wanting to raise “star” children is not new, but a significant number of parents in China have taken pushing their offspring to a new level. “Jiwa” parenting, as it’s come to be called, raises parental anxiety, and it can be expensive, too....